Monday, November 10, 2014

{Then We Met...Kinda}

I apologize...this is another story that has a bit of background that needs to be told before I can get into the meat of the story.

On the street I grew up on lived a couple other girls that I did things with regularly. One was about 6 months older than me (Stacy) and one was about a year younger than me (Britney). We rarely did things all together (3 girls together never went well for us) and Stacy and Britney spent a lot more time together.

Eric grew up on a street with tons of boys his age. Seriously I can think of like 10 off the top of my head. One such boy was Russ.

Now this is part of the story I may tell wrong, because it had really nothing to do with me - BUT, it is important to our story.

Somehow Eric knew Stacy. I don't know if it's because Stacy knew Russ and they all hung out together or what. But at some point Britney hung out with them a couple times as well.
The part of the story that involves me continues below.

I grew up at a time where the Young Women had regularly scheduled basketball games with other wards. I felt like a really good player (even though I probably wasn't great) and really enjoyed our games.

So Stacy, Britney and I were all at a game together and we were waiting for our game to start.
Not long after, Eric and Russ walk into the building. Apparently Stacy and/or Britney had invited them to the game.

Because I hadn't really talked to Eric (except for the one time in the class we had in 8th grade), I wasn't completely sure of his name. I had thought I remembered that his name was Eric, but I couldn't be sure.

Being the shy person that I am, I was too afraid to talk to him myself - so I did the next best thing. I got my friend to do it for me.

Britney was an upbeat, happy and bubbly girl and had no issue talking to strangers. So I asked her to 'go ask that kid what his name is.'

She did so and came back replying that his name was Eric. I was silently pleased with myself for remembering his name and for the next little while - Eric was at the forefront of my teenage mind. As for Eric, I don't think he even gave it a second thought.

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