Monday, November 24, 2014

{It's Official}

Yet another story that should've been recorded somewhere, yet wasn't. It seems to me like this could've quite possibly been during the same phone conversation as mentioned in Measure Of A Boy. If it wasn't it happened a short time later.

Edited to add: Due to an entry later on in my journal I now know the date this happened.

August 28, 1996

We were having yet another phone conversation, fairly late at night. I don't even remember what our conversation was about. However, in the course of our conversation the following took place:

ERIC: Because you're my girl.
SHILO: Says you.
ERIC: Well, unless you don't want to be.

I realize my response wasn't the best of responses. But, I was kind of taken by surprise when Eric dropped those words! He had spent a lot of time convincing me (and probably trying to convince himself) that we weren't going to be a couple and we didn't need to have a relationship. But somewhere along the way, he fell and he fell hard!

I loved the way he phrased his words. It sounded so old school and something the good guys would say in the good ol' days. I was and will always be a sucker for chivalry.

I of course really had no complaints and I was thrilled that we were now 'going out'. I slept really good that night with plenty of butterflies flying around in my stomach!

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